Our Team

We are one! We are our strongest when we work together in unity! Teamwork is the key to living life in harmony with Our Father thereby allowing us to effectively do the will of Our Father. The characteristics of Team COR  facilitates the effectiveness of the 5 fold ministry to operate at COR for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ according to Eph 4: 12

The Church of Revelation is blessed with many Associate Ministers of the Gospel, each unique with their own style and personal relationship with Christ. Each minister is held to a standard of holiness in and outside of the church.

Our Assistant Pastor is Rev. Charles Thomas  who accepted his calling into the ministry under Pastor Leonard Coleman in 2015 and and accepted the role of Assistant Pastor in 2018.  Rev. Thomas has been married over 28 years to his beautiful wife Polly and their 4 children. Rev. Thomas is very humble and truly loves the Lord and people. 

Our Associate Ministers are: 

    • Rev. Darrin Coleman
    • Rev. Sharon Chapple
    • Rev. Joshua Jones
    • Rev. Neander Howard Sr. 
    • Rev. Vernon Watson
    • Rev. Michael King
    • Rev. Michael Aaron
    • Rev Chevon Jones 
    • Rev Neander Howard II
Church of Revelation